Hello, readers! I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new series, LOVE AT THE BEACH which includes the following three books: SEDUCTION, SURRENDER, AND SUBLIME.

To celebrate, I’m pricing all three books in this series at the low, low price of $0.99 for three days only (9/9 – 9/11)! Please visit my book page for links to a wide variety of online booksellers.
SEDUCTION (Book #1 – Love at the Beach)
Something unexpected happened then, something that never would have occurred to her in a million years.
Maggie lifted her face from the curve of Noah’s neck in the same moment that he drew back and looked down at her. She froze, almost drowning in the yearning that suddenly engulfed her as she stared up at him. His intense gaze assured her that anything he had was hers if she wanted or needed it.
She wanted anything he had to offer, she realized. Anything. Everything.
She knew too well the depth of that need, because she had guarded against it for so long. But her defenses crumbled when she saw the array of emotions that blazed in Noah’s eyes.
Then, she glimpsed smoldering desire. It shocked her to her core.
A corresponding frisson of desire blossomed in her body, undulating into her bloodstream like spilled hot honey. Desire, so acute that it nearly drove her to her knees, devastated the last vestiges of her resistance. She instinctively edged closer, burrowing against him, hungrier than she’d ever been in her entire life for emotional sustenance.
She savored the strength of him. She even felt gratitude for the powerful body that now sheltered her from the world. She registered the heaviness of his sex a heartbeat later, but she didn’t pull away. She sought even closer contact, wondering briefly if she had lost her mind, and then telling herself that it didn’t matter.
She needed.
Dear God, how she needed.
Noah seemed to comprehend the depth of her need. Maggie didn’t know how and why. She cared even less. She told herself that she would accept what he offered for just a moment or two as his mouth settled over hers, just long enough to feel something good again, just long enough to feel whole as a person and as a woman.
He tasted of cognac and coffee and desire.
And she adored the flavors.
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