Hello, readers! Yesterday I announced the launch of my new series, LOVE AT THE BEACH and gave you all a short excerpt from the first book, SEDUCTION. Today we’re going to talk about the second book, SURRENDER.

To celebrate, I’m pricing all three books in this series at the low, low price of $0.99 for three days only (9/9 – 9/11)! Please visit my book page for links to a wide variety of online booksellers.
SURRENDER (Book #2 – Love at the Beach)
She searched his face, taking in hard angles, intense, dark eyes, and the aura of steely confidence she’d noted a few moments earlier. She wondered then what kind of man willingly used his own body as a barrier to protect a woman he didn’t even know.
A decent man, she decided as she stared at him.
A man of honor.
It occurred to her in that instant that she hadn’t known many in her thirty-five years.
A baby whimpered. Carrie ground her teeth together, quelling the impulse to respond. The baby whimpered once more. The mother tried to quiet the infant with soothing words, but the stark fear edging the woman’s voice simply served to escalate the child’s distress.
Carrie lifted her head, her response to the baby too instinctive to contain any longer.
The man beside her grabbed her hand.
Her eyes flew to his face. She glimpsed the warning in his expression, lowered her head, and pressed her cheek to the cold marble floor.
But not in time!
He jerked, as though slapped unexpectedly. A gunshot echoed in the next instant.
She felt his hold on her hand go slack. Carrie heard the harsh breath he sucked into his body. She watched him sink his front teeth into his lower lip.
Shock lanced through her.
He’d been shot.
Because of her.
Trying to protect her.
She wanted to scream her fury at such senseless violence. She bit her tongue to silence herself, instead. Grasping his hand, she held onto him and silently willed him to open his eyes.
He finally did.
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